Monday, February 22, 2016


A lesser known Joss Whedon show, Dollhouse wasn't even on my radar until a friend of mine told me to watch it. And then this happened...

Remember her?
Remember her?                                 Remember him?

Buffy and Angel...and Buffy again.

And him and her?

Much Ado about Nothing and Cabin in the Woods

In case you're thinking I left anyone out, and I probably have, this post is already overwhelmed with gifs. Let it go. 

I wouldn't go so far as to call this a reunion cast. For one, they weren't all in the same shows or movies. But it's definitely a Whedon cast. As such, you know they were chosen for their roles carefully and expertly.

That being said, it's no surprise that this show is all about the characters. Each one has a vital piece in the story, and it is complex. But not too complex to follow. The episodes keep you on the edge of your seat and you don't even wait for Netflix to automatically start playing the next--you're hitting the button yourself, demanding more.

That being said, this is a show that messes with your mind. In the end it's something you're grateful for, like school, but the process is painful. 

In a good way.

Is this show bingeworthy? Yes, you'll binge it without even noticing. But, as with some of the previous shows I've talked about, binge with care. Take a walk every five episodes or so. Call your mom. Watch a flower grow. Take note of whether or not your technology seems to have taken over your life. 

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