Tuesday, January 19, 2016

How to Get Away with Murder

I was hesitant to start watching this show at all. It seemed obvious and cheesy, like one of those pseudo-news stories that end every headline with, "You'll never believe what happened next!"

But more than one person mentioned it, and the apparently omniscient Netflix thought I'd like it, so I took the plunge, and watched season one, the only season currently available on Netflix.
Netflix should pay me for how much I talk about Netflix.

I immediately noticed a few similarities with another show I had started, Scandal.**

**Let me talk about that for a minute. I hated that show. Nothing was believable. The conspiracy angle was ridiculous. I was shocked, in retrospect, that the two shows had so much in common. Sure, the show had a misfit band of lawyers, "non-lawyer" fixers, and lovable newbies, but interesting characters does not a good story make. For a show so founded in a real institution, the US Government, it fell so far short of the necessary suspension of disbelief that I couldn't watch more than one of the four seasons. 

Back to HTGAWM. Consciously, I noted the similarities. Mostly, I was too wrapped up in the excellent story to care. I watched all 15 episodes in two days. (It was a long weekend, guys, don't judge.) What the show lacks in character development, it makes up for in a riveting plot line that draws you from episode to episode. And don't worry, there's ample promise of character development in future seasons, despite the main male character having the emotional range of a ficus.

While there's a possibility that something could go catastrophically wrong, (see Heroes, if I ever get up the energy to finish watching it), I fully expect season two to follow up on many of the excellently posed questions that left me grasping for information.

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