Saturday, January 30, 2016


I'm an optimist. I am more likely to enjoy something than not. I want to like things, and often genuinely do. But every once in a while I just can't fake it.

It's actually very strange, because I do love the actors in this show. And normally if I love the actors, I won't notice if I don't like the show. But alas... 

Chuck starts off great. It's funny, action packed, and interesting. But all too soon (by the end of season two, maybe the middle of season three) it took a serious turn that I couldn't handle. It's not that it became a serious drama and lost all humor. But the weight of the crises wasn't counterbalanced by that humor and the effect was boredom. I wanted to do anything other than keep watching. And a pretty good clue that something has reached its binge-worthy peak is that you don't want to keep watching. 

I won't say don't watch it at all. It's not the worst thing out there by any stretch (see my rant about Scandal in my How to Get Away with Murder post). You may even binge the first two seasons without issues. But be prepared for a sudden drop in velocity and a strange urge to start cleaning your kitchen, or bathroom, or dog, or neighbor's dog. 

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