Friday, March 18, 2016

Share Thurfriday: Shows to binge via Geek and Sundry

If my excuses for not telling you what I think about television weren't enough for you, go to Geek and Sundry's blog for inspiration.

The article is titled:


and you probably should take their advice. It's pretty good. 

Updates: HoC, Dogs and Life

I clearly haven't written anything related to television in a little while, and this is my attempt at making excuses.

First, know that I'm "working" on it. House of Cards is being binged in most of my free time. The problem is I have less free time right now.

Last weekend I got back my dog. It's a confusing story, but basically, I had a dog for four years, moved and couldn't keep him where I was living, moved again, and got him back. It's a little like having a two year old child who freaks out at all the new things, and needs to go outside to poop.

Then daylight savings time happened and I was doomed. A result of all this (plus starting night classes again two times a night) is that I'm super tired. Way way way more tired than normal.

And then there are my neighbors.

Normally I don't notice them. The people in my building are pretty quiet and I don't ever hear loud music or talking from their apartments. However, the building next to mine is another story. Again, normally not a problem. There's this one guy that practices drums most nights. Not obnoxious, but it bothers my dog.

Another thing that bothers my dog (and causes him to jump on the bed and bark when I'm trying to sleep) is when the neighbors have a party on their roof, which happens to be almost level with my windows.

All night.

So, that's why I'm tired.

Life's not bad though. It just keeps going. Sometimes you catch up and get ahead of it, but most of the time you're letting it drag you on. Just don't let go all together. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


And we're back to the doom and gloom. Crime and drama, depression, deep dark secrets--this show has it all.


Broadchurch is completely bingeworthy. Despite the weight of the content, it keeps you wanting to know what happens next.

My biggest complaint was the gap between the end of season one and season two being released. Many questions were left unanswered in the first season. The main plot of the series was well concluded, but some character development seemed to be lacking. All fears were allayed when season two came out, but boy was it a long wait.

Then there's this...

I don't even have to tell you, he said it himself.
But for real, David Tennant is fantastic. Many are familiar with him now because of Jessica Jones, Doctor Who, or Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Some may be surprised to find that he's also a Shakespearean actor... or maybe you're not surprised, because he's so freaking good. Regardless of whether you're familiar with him or have never heard of him before, he alone is worth sitting down and watching this show from beginning to end.

Olivia Colman plays the foil to David Tennant's character so that you can't imagine anyone else being in the part. Her character anchors the show to a kind of reality most anyone can relate to. 

And she's so darn likable!
The chemistry between the two characters is what keeps this show from being entirely too dark. There's humor in the doom, and it works perfectly. 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Coming up: House of Cards

The result of the poll of what show I should watch next is House of Cards. I started it, and I have to say, it's looking good.

He does have a way with words.....

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Share Thursday: The Powerpuff Girls by Geek & Sundry

I clearly don't write a new post everyday, but sometimes I want to share and just don't have original thoughts. So here you go--someone else made a thing that I like, and I want the world* to know.

The article is called "5 Reasons We're Looking Forward to More Powerpuff Girls" and it's by Teri Litorco.

Click the picture or the link in the post above to see the original article.

*The tiny world that lives in my head. But the rest of the internet is free to see it as well.

The last season of America

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


In case you think I only watch heavy, emotional, dramatic, heartbreaking, therapy-requiring shows, I'm happy to say that's not true.

The thing about Snapchat is that anyone can, with very little effort, be very entertaining. Oh, wait, I was blogging about Psych, not my new favorite social media. I guess I'm easily distracted, like the main character, Shawn.

This is one more of those Sherlockian characters that it seems the world just can't get enough of. (See Elementary, or The Mentalist, or Sherlock, or maybe even Chuck.) One character, endowed somehow with supernormal* abilities of deduction and crime solving, joins up with law enforcement to do what they can't... catch bad guys. The concept doesn't have much bearing in the real world, but it makes a fascinating fictional study. What if there was that one person that could solve the unsolvable?
*Supernormal: a word I made up meaning more than normal, but lacking the connotation of something unexplainable by science.

Silliness aside, there's more than one reason to watch this show. For one--well, the silliness. The show is full of gags and jokes. The two main characters, Shawn and Gus, play off each other well in every circumstance, whether they're getting along or fighting. They depict a kind of friendship that is refreshing to see on a TV show. 

Two friends who are wholly committed to their friendship. They're not without their trials, of course, which leads to the next point. The show has subtle depths that are well illustrated in the relationship of the main characters and their relationships with others. It's almost a coming of age story for the millennial who has fought adulthood tooth and nail. 

So, to binge or not to binge? Binge, definitely. Maybe even watch a few episodes between episodes of one of those darker, heavier, depressing shows that I keep loving.